Doe v. Compania Panamena de Aviacion | Ninth Circuit oral argument

Yesterday, managing partner John Rushing of Rushing McCarl LLP argued on behalf of Plaintiff-Appellant Jane Doe in the important Ninth Circuit case Doe v. Compania Panamena de Aviacion (Case No. 21-55983). Yesterday’s oral argument illustrates why Rushing, who has a background in entertainment, is one of the premier oral advocates in the nation.

Doe v. Copa Airlines | Ninth Circuit aviation case update

Briefing is complete in the important Ninth Circuit aviation-law case Doe v. Compania Panamena de Aviacion. Rushing McCarl LLP represents a passenger who was sexually assaulted on a Copa Airlines flight. The assault occurred because Copa allowed a felon who was fleeing the United States to board the plane, then did nothing to stop the assault once it was underway.

Rushing McCarl files Ninth Circuit appeal in sexual assault case

Rushing McCarl LLP attorneys Ryan McCarl, John Rushing, and Davit Avagyan just filed an opening brief on behalf of Jane Doe in the Ninth Circuit case Doe v. Compania Panamena de Aviacion. Doe alleges that she was the victim of an inflight sexual assault experienced while she was flying from Los Angeles to Panama.